Tuesday, August 10, 2010

How to handle the boyfriend's jealous ex?

my boyfriend and i just got back together a few months ago on a short hiatus,weve been off and on for nearly two years.hes a good person,we have a decent relationship,and hes everything that i can possibly want,but the one issue that im trying to deal with is his ex.this girl is a trip.the reason why we broke up the first time is because of her.and now that were back together,there she is,on her facebook putting up old pictures of them on her profile,writing fake things about them getting married and having children together and all that stuff.i think she is obsessed and misses the fact that they used to be together.my boyfriend is a kind person and he forgave her for what she did to him when they were together,and they talk every now and then, and i hate that because i know that she still wants him.our relationship now is stronger than it was when we first got together and id like to keep it that way.how do i handle her and to keep her from spoiling my relationship again?How to handle the boyfriend's jealous ex?
Please don't let her silliness spoil your happiness with your guy!! she wants to piss you off and make you break with him, so don't give her what she wants! The best weapon that you have is your love and your guy, so just ignore her! think that she is only a poor insane gal!!!How to handle the boyfriend's jealous ex?
Beat her ***. That always works!
Easy, curb stomp that biiiiiitch (:

-No but really, ignore her.

Better yet, flaunt your two's relationship, let her sip on your haterade(:

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