Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How is wanting to get married wanting special rights?

Gay people want to get married like straight people. Yet some people call that special rights. Since when did equal rights become special?

And how is wanting equal rights pushing the gay agenda onto straight people? Aren't anti gay people pushing their straight agenda onto gay people by wanting to regulate who can and cannot get married?

And how does two men getting married affect your marriage? It's not redefining the love between the two of you. So how does it redefine your marriage?

And what harm does it do to society? Besides you being uncomfortable with it? It's not like they're running naked around the street.

And how does two consenting adults getting married lead to bestiality or child rape, since children and animals cannot legally consent?

And leave the Bible, God or any sin stuff out of it, since the US is not run by religion. If you can't answe these simple questions, then you must see that you're just a bigot.

Answer them, if you bigots can. You must see that there is no reason to ban gay marriage anymore.How is wanting to get married wanting special rights?
Everyone out here is trying to create their own personal utopia.

For some the benchmark is liberty - for others it is not.How is wanting to get married wanting special rights?
Numerous laws exist that restrict the ability of certain people to enter into a marriage contract. First, marriage is only allowed between adults, not minors. Second, marriage is only allowed between two individuals. Multiple partner marriages (polygamy and polyandry) are not legal. Third, marriage is not allowed between closely related individuals (brothers, sisters, and first cousins). If marriage is declared a fundamental right of all individuals, then all restrictions to marriage would be declared unconstitutional, opening the doors to polygamy, polyandry, incest, and child marriage.Lastly, the do have the same rights, I am heterosexual woman and I cannot marry another heterosexual woman, same right....
why do you people want to marry so bad just live together have kids do what you do

whats the big deal about marriage the church disowned you so its not a religious reason SO WHAT IS IT
It isn't its a logical extension of equal rights
Back when I married Desi it was considered controversial. You just have to be strong and in the end; the times will catch up with you.
It isn't.

People who say that just don't have a good argument against it other than close-mindedness and bigotry.
since you called me a bigot is reason enough for me. You hateful little person.
im still trying to figure out how 2 bros getting hitched affects my life.
Just like you said, leave the bible, God and sin stuff out of it. Since marriage is based on a religious act, why get married?? What do you gain from it? Recognition that it's okay to be deviant? And don't get your panties all bound up over it! I don't care if you marry a pig! Just stop making such a big deal about it! Gay people have always wanted to be on the front page of controversy because that is how they get their ego satiated. Look, Look at me, I'm gay! Can I take your religious beliefs and make a mockery of them??? You are sick and that's why so many people have a problem with what you are trying to do.

Who's the bigot??
When gay marriage soon becomes the law of the land it will be because the Court looked at the huge variety of heterosexuals that the states issue marriage licenses to and came to the conclusion that the reasons for denying a gay couple a marriage license are ambiguous at best and a major civil rights violation at worst

When it comes to issuing the required marriage license the State takes on the role of a naive, romantic teen-aged girls and with few restrictions will issue a marriage license to all heterosexual couples who apply for one

Been married 5 times and think that # 6 will be THE ONE ;

Here's your marriage license

Met a girl in a club in 'Vegas went out to the parking lot , rocked the springs on your pick-up and decided that she's THE ONE:

Here's your marriage license

Fat old lonely woman living in SoCal who decides that a guy doing a life sentence in San Quentin is THE ONE

Here's your marriage license

Living on the streets w/no source of income and some really bad personal habits meet someone living in similar conditions and decide that she's THE ONE

Here's your marriage license

Have enough issues to keep Dr Phil in new shows for a season ,meet someone who shares a similar life path,decide that she's THE ONE

Here's your marriage license

Have a history of domestic and substance abuse , meet someone who knows nothing of your past and she decides that you're THE ONE

Here's your marriage license

But if you're a gay guy with a PhD in organic chemistry and you meet a gay male physician and decide that he's THE ONE

Then the State arbitrarily says No you cannot have a marriage license,

How the sanctity of marriage folks can approve of the heterosexual marriage examples that I provided and reject the homosexual marriage example baffles me to no end
Hey, It's not what you want to hear, But There Loads of Straight people (I am Straight and married) I don't think should be married. IN FACT I think getting married should be MADE HARDER for everyone. You should have to wait 12 full months before you can get married. I could go on and on but trust me, Getting MORE people married isn't going to help Society.

Get a marriage class license. You have take a class once week that defines very basic stuff like love, respect, what their vows actually mean, money management, and basic economics ( I think Learning Quicken should be mandatory seriously) there will be a six month mid term and a final at the end of the year when the enfianced go into separate rooms and have to define what they believe their marriage will ideally be and let it be read aloud.

You have to wait 2 years if you have ever had a domestic violence charge plus mandatory classes. Have you ever watched COPS? Its adult daycare!

If you have 3 domestic violence charges you forfeit the right to marry for 25 years to life sort of a 3 strikes you're out for marriage.

You must have a High school diploma or GED.
Marriage is a RELIGIOUS Ceremony, it began that way and should stay that way.. Marriage mean a union betwen MAN and WOMAN, not between two men or two women.. If they want to call it a UNION thats fine, they can acheive any and all of the same rights as being married by CONTRACT... There is NOT ONE right that can not be acheived by contract..

We have a problem with gays trying to change the definition of marriage to fit their lifestyle.. You don't change a definition you change the word....

I also don't feel it is right for a farmer and his animals to get married or do i agree with a man having multiple wives.. The word MARRIAGE STRICKLY means a union between man and woman PERIOD..

Again marriage began in the churches, and it never was a governmental agreement until the government had to step in during divorce to decide how the property was divided... Thats when the govenment made it the government's business.. In my eyes the government needs to give it back to the churches where it belongs and stay the F out of people's marriage.

And BTW anyone with a name like ';Jesus is a Queer'; has no place to stick up for gays as you just insulted them by calling gays Queer.

And you people who say Leave God and the Church out of it.. Sorry you can't... Marriage originated with God and the Church but because Gays no longer want to follow the original intent of marriage you want to exclude that all together?? Just change the rules to make it fit even if you have to exclude where it began in the first place?? hahah HOW RIDICULOUS! Do you people ever THINK out your ideas before you say them?

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