Monday, August 16, 2010

How to ask my boyfriend to get a divorce?

My boyfriend is married, have been for about 5 yrs (Business) They r not together. We've been together for little over a year and I want him to get a divorce. I would love to marry him some day and I don't want this in the way when i'm ready. How do I bring this up? I don't want it to seem like i'm pressuring him. HELP!How to ask my boyfriend to get a divorce?
What do you mean they are not together- does he live with you? If he doesn't, then he's lying about it and you should stop seeing him.How to ask my boyfriend to get a divorce?
.Simply ask him if he ever intends to divorce his wife...and let him know it's tough for your relationship together to progress, while he's still legally married.
You should not break somebody else's marriage. Please withdraw yourself from enticing him.
You chose to be with a married man. You can't ask him to get a divorce. That is the same as trying to change the rules of the game when it has already started. You settled for a married man....that's what you get. Make better decisions in the future.
pressuring him? I would give him an ultimatum. I wouldn't want to have a boyfriend who is married to another woman.
Don't get it huh?

Your BOYFRIEND is married ! And he doesn't care about promises, vows or covenants. He only cares about himself. But this is who you want. He's got baggage and he's not even willing to deal with his own crap. He's already pushing all his s_ _t onto you because he can't do ALONE !

When you get married to him........wait. He has no reason to honor anything with you because he doesn't honor anything now. Do you think that you are that special that he will change his CHARACTER for you?

Think again..............
He doesn't need to. You're the girl on the side. He has no plans to marry you.
If you put in your two cents here you are pressuring him. This has to be a decision he makes on his own. My advice is tell him you how you feel about him and that your going to step aside until he decides what is best for him. And to let you know once he has made his decision.
You don't. You accept the situation you have put yourself in and live with it or leave it. If he wanted to marry you he would have left his wife by now.
He is not your boyfriend - he is using you.

He is cheating on his wife even if you think they are not together.

Now this is what you need to check - maybe they are divorced. If, in fact, they aren't together, he may be saying he is married just so he doesn't have to commit to you.

Sounds fishy to me.
Why would you even consider marring a many who obviously is unfaithful, you are not so special that he won't do it to you.
Dating a married man?

pressuring him?are u kidding me..that man should of been divorced years ago...some reason why he doesn't get one and if i was you i would want to know that he doesn't want to let go..even tho they are not together some people think well we are still married so they don't feel like its a total loss....if that's the case you need to move on and not worry about him..sound slike he has issues....its sad cause im sure you love him and you want more but women listen never date a man who is still married your gonna have problems..who involve yourself in that?a red flag should of went up when he told you he had been separated for that many years but not divorced...well now your gonna hang in there and beg and plead for him to marry you..and when you do that you may run him if i was you i just tell him how you feel and seee what he says and if he doesn't get one and like this year like yesterday even just move on..too many men out there to have to deal with crap like that...good luck..
Does he have children with his wife? If so, he's always going to be connected to her, like it or not %26amp; that may be why he hasn't divorced her. If they don't have kids, why hasn't he filed for divorce yet? I would sit %26amp; ask (in a non-confronting manner) why he hasn't moved forward in legally ending the relationship. Explain that you love him but that you feel you have to hold back b/c you feel he is still committed to the other women. Situations like this often become messy %26amp; someone ends up hurt. Watch out for yourself to make sure it's not you. Here's my reason for saying this: while I personally haven't sated someone who was still married, I was married to my kids father for 4 years. We separated 2x during this time. During the 2nd separation we were apart for 9 months %26amp; he dated another girl who was told by him it was over %26amp; we were never getting back together. (I left him b/c of his drug problem). Anyways, we got back together %26amp; she was left wondering why. On the flip side once I finally filed for divorce a year later, I started talking to a man I had know for 8 years. I was already legally separated but not divorced. We didn't get serious until my divorce was final %26amp; have been together for over 2 years now %26amp; are engaged. My point is, even though my ex told his girlfriend he was done with our relationship %26amp; that he wanted to be with her, he ended up leaving her hurt %26amp; coming back to me. So I would question your guy as to why he hasn't divorced her yet. There has to be a reason, whether it be b/c divorce can be expensive or b/c there's still feelings there. Tell him if he wants to remain with you that he needs to make an effort to legally end hid marriage. Just try to stay calm during this conversation. If HE gets defensive about it, then you may need to question what's really going on. Good luck hon! =)
It is clear that his feelings for you do not include marriage or he would have already gotten a divorce. You would have been smart to have asked for that request before becoming involved with him. I would ask him and if he gives excuses why he is not going to, then this would be a reason for you to cut your loses and find someone who is free to have a relationship with.
NAFCLM Techically your having a affair with a married man. He is still leagally bound to his wife if it wasn't working out the papers would be signed. Advise ask him calmly nicely ';Can i ask you a question why haven't either of you filed for divorce?'; '; I am ready to move to the next step of our relationship and in my honest opinoin that is what is in the way of us moving on.'; IF he says that he isnt or cannot get a divorce now then that is showing how much you mean to him. If he loved you and wanted to spend the rest of his life with you then he will do whatever to keep you.

if not move on.

don't think you would be pressuring him, but you certainly are right in demanding that he at least start divorce proceedings. he may not want to for financial reasons, but in order for your relationship to continue, he will have to. best way to bring it up, is simply bring it up :) when are you filing?, that sort of thing.

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